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This Coldfusion Custom Tag uses JDBC to connect to a SQL server, to an Access file, to a Text file or to an Excel file without a DSN (dsnless) in the Coldfusion Administrator.

Download JDBCQuery

If connecting to an Access database we need:
  • DBFile: The name of the Access Database File. (Required)
  • Name: The name of the query to return. (Required)
If connecting to an Excel file we need:
  • DBFile: The name of the Excel File, the connection to an Excel file is READONLY. (Required)
  • Name: The name of the query to return. (Required)
If connecting to a Text file we need:
  • DBDir: The absolute path to the dir that contains the text files (asc, csv, tab or txt), the connection to a Text file is READONLY. (Required)
  • Name: The name of the query to return. (Required)
If connecting to a SQL server we need:
  • SQLServer: The address of the SQL server to connect to. (Required)
  • SQLServerPort: The SQL server port to connect to. (Default 1433)
  • Database: The name of the database on the SQL Server. (Required)
  • User: The user to login to the database. (Required)
  • Password: The password to login to the database. (Required)
  • Name: The name of the query to return. (Required)
Access Example:
<cf_JDBCQuery Name="theQueryMDB" DBFile="#expandPath('./')#/AccessDB.mdb">
	select top 5 * from Photos
Text Example:
<cf_JDBCQuery Name="theQueryTxt" DBDir="#expandPath('./')#/">
	select top 5 * from theDB.txt
Excel Example:
<cf_JDBCQuery Name="theQueryXLS" DBFile="#expandPath('./')#/ExcelDB.xls">
	select top 5 * from [Sheet1$]
SQL Example: -- Define here the nedded parameters.
<cf_JDBCQuery Name="theSQLQuery" SQLServer="" Database="YourDatabase"
    user="USER" password="PASSWORD">
	select top 5 * from theTable


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